金巻 芳俊
1972年 千葉県生まれの彫刻家
1999年 多摩美術大学美術学部彫刻学科を卒業
2012年 損保ジャパン美術財団選抜奨励展にて新作秀作賞を受賞
金卷 芳俊
1972年 出生于千叶县 雕塑家
1999年 多摩美术大学美术学院雕刻学科毕业
2012年 损保Japan美术财团选拔奖励展中获新作秀作奖
随着作品在国内外的知名度不断提高,目前不仅在日本发售,也不断收到台湾、中国本土、香港、美国、法国、德国、英国等各地的作品购买邀请。 目前颇受大众欢迎、是一展即售的人气雕塑家。
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki
1972 born in Chiba Prefecture, A Sculptor
1999 Graduated from the Sculpture Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tama Art University
2012 Received the New Excellent Work Award at the Sompo Japan Art Foundation Selection Encouragement Exhibition
As the popularity of his works has increased both domestically and internationally, he is currently not only available in Japan. But also, he continues to receive offers to purchase his works from Taiwan, mainland of China, Hong Kong, USA, France, Germany, UK, and others.
He is now a popular sculptors and his works sold out immediately when exhibited.
The core of the concept of Kanemaki’s works, is “ambivalence”, which shows that contradictory psychology is compatible and contradictory attitudes coexist. Kanamaki redefines words in his own unique world and expresses them as works of art.